Harvesting Hope, LLC
A safe place to find Healing from your past and Hope for your future.
"We all suffer - But it's how you acknowledge and welcome your suffering that can lead to enduring Hope." ~ Adam Young
Are you consistently worried about the next conversation, meeting, or event? Maybe you are struggling to maintain focus, feel stuck when trying to make seemingly small decisions, and feeling like no one could possibly understand how busy your mind is.
Having difficulty getting up each day? Are you struggling to get even day-to-day tasks, like brushing your teeth or showering done? It is not at all uncommon to feel hopeless and unsure where/how to go from here.
Grief & Loss
Grief and loss are tough to tackle alone. Surviving things like accidents or abuse that were out of your control can be difficult to discuss. Experiencing losses that others may not see like infertility, loss of a partner, and death of a pet can be especially difficult to cope with.
Career Concerns
Maybe you are a high school or college student struggling to figure out your career path. Perhaps, you have been in a career for decades and feeling unsatisfied at this stage of life or are considering retirement. Together, we can explore your values and empower you to make future decisions that bring you fulfillment.
Did you grow up in a tense or unstable household? Perhaps, you walked on egg shells never knowing what version of a parent or even now a spouse you will get. Maybe you experienced emotional, physical, or sexual abuse by someone you or your family knew and trusted. Whatever the case, trauma can be complicated and impact your daily functioning and relationships.
Children & Teens
Let's face it, being a kid isn't always easy. It can be difficult to adjust to new siblings, schools, and peers for any aged child. In a world with social media, the pressure to achieve perfection may feel insurmountable. Therapy for your child or teen can help discover and work through issues that may be difficult to navigate on their own.